Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Last week my family and I celebrated national turn off your TV week and we went all week. We went on a walk,dug leeks,got goats,learned how to milk goats and built a milking stand and had a lot of other fun,no TV what-so-ever and that is how my week went.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today my family and I did a science experiment.We took water between 115-125 degrees Fahrenheits and mixed it with 2 tablespoons of yeast and poured it into a old washed out pop bottle with a paper funnel and then you put a balloon over the top and wait for about ten minutes and this is what happened.But if anyone wants to try this be very careful when you take the balloon off you must tie it quick and then take it out side and smash it.This is a fun family experiment.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Two weeks ago my family went on a trip to Pumpkinville.We had lots of fun. We fed the goats and shot the corn canon.We saw lots of animals but my most favorite part of all was when we went through the corn maze. For a snack home we got pumpkin doughnuts and cookies.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I went out to check on my bees and i saw that my bees are building great at building the honey comb.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Making apple sauce

Last week on Friday my family and I made apple sauce.We had lots of fun. First we cut the apples, and then my mom boiled them, and when they were done boiling we put a turner on a bowl and took turns cranking the handle. We got twenty-two pints of apple sauce out of one bushel of apples.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Let me introduce myself

Hi, I am Beeboy. I am 10, almost 11 and I am homeschooled. I love beekeeping. I built my first bee box back in May and I am now taking care of the 2nd swarm I caught. I have 2 brothers and a sister. We love doing thing outside and making crafts. This year I am going to learn about the Roman Republic, chart the constallations in the sky, learn about sound and heat, rocks and minerals, and Shakespear. We will also find more things along the way to learn about. That is the fun thing about homeschooling.